California is the third state that has an abortion-related measure on the ballot this November. Previously, we discussed Colorado’s and South Dakota’s anti-abortion ballot measures.

California’s measure, Proposition 4, is a reincarnation of Proposition 73 that was defeated in 2005 and Proposition 85, defeated in 2006. It would require young women getting abortions to notify at least one parent. It would also create a 48-hour delay in getting the procedure following notification.

Women’s groups in California and around the country have been mobilizing against Proposition 4. Requiring parental notification for minors undergoing abortions would place an unnecessary burden on young women and take fundamental constitutional rights away from them. Most young women already discuss abortion decision with their parents, and those who do not usually have good reasons for it – they may fear physical abuse. Requiring parental notification places young women in already dangerous situations of abuse in even greater danger. In addition, implementation of Proposition 4 would cost California several million dollars annually.

Campaign for Teen Safety has been organizing Californians against the Proposition. The Center for Reproductive has a fact sheet (in PDF format) about the dangers of Proposition 4 to the rights of young women.

Minors in Pennsylvania do have to get parental consent or obtain a judicial bypass prior to getting an abortion. To learn more about young women’s rights in our state, visit our website.

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