File this one under “Huh?”: Pennsylvania Representative Darryl Metcalfe (R-12) blocked a resolution recognizing October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month because he said “it has a homosexual agenda.”
It’s difficult to find any “homosexual agenda” in the language of the resolution, which you can read here. Instead, it reads as sympathetic to all victims of domestic violence in the Commonwealth and makes no mention of any sexual orientation:

WHEREAS, Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior used to establish power and control over an intimate partner;
WHEREAS, Domestic violence often causes emotional harm to victims, their children, other family members, friends, neighbors and coworkers; and
WHEREAS, Domestic violence affects men and women in all racial, ethnic, religious, educational, social and economic backgrounds; and
WHEREAS, Domestic violence takes many forms, whereby victims are often subjected to abuse, harassment, threats, vandalism, trespassing, burglary, theft and stalking; and
WHEREAS, Domestic violence is often escalated, causing victims to suffer physical and emotional trauma, anxiety, stress, sleep deprivation, loss of confidence, fear and, in some cases, injury and death by suicide or homicide[…]

It’s difficult to imagine why any legislator would refuse to recognize the enormous problem of domestic violence, which surely affects his own constituents, to make a flimsy political statement against the LGBT community.
Rep. Siptroth (D-189), the prime sponsor of the resolution, said it best:

“Representative Metcalfe voted for my resolution the past two years. To block it this year to cause controversy and gain some media attention shows a marked lack of respect and understanding as to the impact domestic violence has on individuals.
“It is my hope that my colleague, who should know better, will stop this provocative nonsense and allow this resolution to be adopted unanimously so this very serious issue can be recognized by this chamber.”

If you’d like to let Rep. Metcalfe know what you think of his blocking this resolution, you can contact him here.

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