This action is URGENT. Please take action NOW.

Last week, the Senate passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

The good news: It’s the first time the United States has had widespread federally mandated paid leave.

The bad news: It is already under attack in the Senate.

On Sunday, as we were all reading the news and trying to figure out how to best protect ourselves and our families from coronavirus and its devastating economic effects, your Senators considered cutting paid leave and paid sick days for workers.

In partnership with Family Values at Work, we are asking you to take action by messaging, calling, and tweeting your senators. 

Let them know that any cuts to paid leave and sick time in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act are unacceptable! They should be working to expand what’s been passed so far, not backtracking.

Let your senators know we need:

  • Adequate and accessible paid sick days and paid leave permanently.
  • Universal paid leave for personal and family care, not just school closures.
  • Accessible paid leave for all. Workers at large companies and corporations with over 500 employees should not be excluded.
  • Coverage for healthcare workers and all emergency workers.
  • 100% wage replacement, not just 2/3. Our workers’ health and financial future should come before bailouts for profitable corporations.

Please share this call for action. We cannot afford to not be vigilant in demanding the protections that we need at this unprecedented time.

March 2020: Our physical offices are closed but we are OPEN and working to serve your needs. Contact us here

The Women’s Law Project is the only public interest law center in Pennsylvania devoted to advancing the rights of women and girls. 

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